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Why You’re Missing Out If You’re Not Resharing on Social Media

“But I have to come up with something new!” If that little voice in your head said something like this when you think about resharing content on social media, we bet you’re not alone.
Resharing Social Content Is Not A Faux Pas.
So many business owners feel massive pressure to create brand new content day after day and month after month. In fact, that pressure can start to feel like a hamster wheel that gets you nowhere as you constantly sense that you need to create content for the next week or quarter.But the truth is actually a lot less stressful: when you do it right, resharing content on social media will actually give you a good chance of growing your audience in the process!
Today we’re sharing why it’s not just “okay” to reshare, it’s an actual marketing strategy you can use to save you time, reach more potential customers and clients, and grow your business as you do.
So, Why Reshare?
Resharing allows you to get more mileage out of your best content, helps you better understand your audience, and can save time when it comes to creating content that’s effective and engaging. Let’s dive into exactly how resharing your content makes those things possible and how to get the most out of the resharing process.
Go Evergreen and Get More Mileage Out Of Your Best Content
If you’ve been trying to step up your marketing game, there’s a good chance you’ve heard the word “evergreen” when it comes to content marketing. Evergreen content is content that naturally lends itself to reuse or resharing.

One example might be a podcast episode. If a podcast episode explains a concept or features a high-quality interview while remaining relevant over time, it’s probably evergreen.
And the same can be true of the content you create as well.
As you create pieces and posts, consider whether that topic or approach could remain fresh, purposeful, and engaging next month or even next year. “How to” posts, educational pieces, inspirational posts, and the like can all be crafted to remain evergreen and that makes them excellent, resharable posts.
While not everything you share needs to be evergreen, ensuring that at least some of your posts are potentially evergreen gives you a better chance of being able to reuse that content down the road.
Give You and Your Team A Content-Creation-Breather
Speaking of reusing content, another benefit to resharing your pieces is that it can give you and your marketing team a content creation break. This can mean less time staring at a blank screen every day to create content.
Instead, you can share new pieces and give your team the option to mix some evergreen ones in there too! This also means your content calendar will become more full and robust over time and your content library and the pool of ideas you can pull from for future content will also grow. Getting your time back is just one benefit of resharing content. It can also help you grow your audience.
Grow Your Audience
One of the most common objections you may have heard when it comes to resharing content on social media is that resharing is boring or annoying because people have already seen that content. But in the current global marketing landscape, complete with algorithms and shorter attention spans, that’s simply not the case.

The truth is that resharing isn’t annoying for most of your followers because there’s a very good chance they didn’t even see that post you’re resharing in the first place. Whether it’s the different time zones, scrolling habits, or simply the way the algorithm chooses to share what you post, it’s very possible that some of your followers will see a post for the first time when you reshare it.
So, you’re not being annoying when you post again, you’re actually ensuring that your followers get a chance to see your best content!
Use Reshared Content To Better Understand Your Audience
Now that you know that reposting potentially gives your followers a chance to see content for the first time, it’s important to mention that, if you’re creating great content, your audience is also probably growing as you continue to post consistently. So, reposting also shares your best evergreen content with your newer audience members. This means you stand to gain new audience members and followers with less effort and time spent creating content.
And you can use your metrics to see how your followers (new and old) interact with those pieces.
Answering a question like “Did that post do better on a Friday at 5 than it did on Monday at noon?” can help you better understand the scrolling and engagement behavior of your audience and can help you make marketing and posting decisions based on that behavior.
You Can Improve Your Content As You Reshare
And if you’re still not completely sold on the “reshare the post” move, why not try improving your content as you reshare. So, using the insight from your metrics and the engagement with your audience, recycle and repurpose your most-loved content.
Try using a different image with that same copy to see if that helps, hurts, or does nothing to move the needle on your engagement and reach.
Or keep that visual and shift the copy by tweaking the approach to that post. For example, change a headline, highlight a quote from the post, or approach the same topic from a different angle.
As you adjust the copy or the visual, review if and how that shifts the way your audience engages with the post. This makes the marketing planning part of your work easier by giving you real-time feedback on what you’ve adjusted in each social post. And the best part? You’re doing that work in far less time than if you wrote the post from scratch.
So, Go Out And Reshare!
Whether you use your new-found resharing approach to beef up your content calendar, better understand your audience’s behavior, or simply save time in the content creation process, you’ll find that it actually helps you reach more of the right people.
Make Resharing Super Easy With Meetedgar
With MeetEdgar your media library is at your fingertips and in a few clicks you can share and reshare with ease. Ready to reshare and go evergreen with your content? Try Meetdgar for free and see how simple it can be to manage your social media posts.
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