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How to Improve Your LinkedIn Impressions and Why They're Important

Written by
January 19, 2023
Updated on:
January 2, 2025
LinkedIn Marketing

With nearly 800 million users, LinkedIn is THE place to be if you want to build your business relationships and find new clients. If LinkedIn isn't part of your current marketing strategy, it needs to be. But what type of content should you be posting on LinkedIn, and which metrics should you track?

Tracking your LinkedIn impressions and engagement is essential to analyze how your content performs. If you have a good understanding of these two metrics, it will better inform your future marketing strategy on the platform. To understand how to increase impressions on LinkedIn, you first need to know what they are. Keep on reading if you want to learn all about boosting your reach and impressions on LinkedIn.

What are impressions on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn impressions refer to the number of times users see your post for at least 300 milliseconds. Impressions aren't the most accurate way to measure your contents' success, but they are a good starting point.

What are organic impressions on LinkedIn?

Organic impressions on LinkedIn refer to the number of times LinkedIn users may see your unpaid content. Paid impressions refer to the number of times your paid LinkedIn advertising or sponsored content is put in front of users.

LinkedIn impressions vs views: what’s the difference?

If you count the number of impressions, you count the number of times a piece of content had the possibility of being viewed.

When you count the number of views, you measure how many times it has actually been viewed. Remember, not all views are equal!

If somebody is scrolling through their LinkedIn newsfeed very quickly, they may scroll past your content without paying attention or taking it in. That interaction is a view. Another important difference to consider when looking at your impressions and views is the type of content for which you're looking at metrics.

Posts are the status updates you can write on LinkedIn - when someone just scrolls past them, that's counted as a view. Whereas with an article, someone has to click through to it for it to count as a view. With video content, a view is at least three seconds of play.

Want to know the problem with using views as a data point for your content's success? Views give you no indication as to whether the interaction the user had with your content was meaningful or not. Your audience may view it but not pay any attention to it.

Why are LinkedIn impressions important?

If you want to gain a deeper understanding of your audience and how they behave, paying attention to your LinkedIn organic impressions can be helpful. You can gain insights from your impressions, such as when your audience is most active online. The higher the number of impressions, the more people your content has reached. Knowing when your audience is most active can help inform your future posting schedule. Impressions also give you a great overview of what LinkedIn deems relevant for your audience.

Take a look at the category of content that gets the most impressions; you'll probably be able to notice some patterns.  Information on impressions can also help inform you which posts you could try sponsoring. Sponsor the posts with a high number of impressions; this will share them with a broader audience who are potential followers or customers of your business.

How can you improve your LinkedIn impressions?

Want to grow your impressions on LinkedIn and get more eyeballs on your content? Here are some tips to follow:

1. Make your content relevant

Use the data about your impressions to inform your content strategy. If you see a piece of content with high impressions, chances are your audience loves it and wants to see more like it. Create new content based on well-performing and wide-reaching existing content.

2. Post regularly

Consistency is key with any social media platform. If you want to be part of the conversations happening in your industry, then post regularly. When you post regularly and not randomly, the algorithm works in your favor. Regular, informative posts help to develop your authority on a topic. Slowly, this will help widen your reach and get more people not only seeing your content but engaging with it too. Keep in mind, though, that quality is more important than quantity. Don't post useless content just for the sake of sharing something that day. Batch schedule your posts to save you time and make sure you're sharing valuable updates and not slapdash, last-minute content you haven't thought through.

3. Engage with other users

Social media is supposed to be social! So don't post your content and disappear. You need to spend some time engaging with others if you want to get your name out there and improve your visibility on the platform. Share interesting updates, distribute valuable content (Edgar can help!), ask questions, participate in LinkedIn Groups, and follow and chat with your favorite influencers, connections, and companies.

In other words, ENGAGE and CONTRIBUTE. This is the best thing you can do for your personal brand AND your company. (If you want to learn how to leverage your personal brand to benefit your company, check out this blog post!)

4. Sponsor your posts

If your goal is to reach a wider audience and you don't have time to put in the groundwork to make it happen organically, consider sponsoring your posts. LinkedIn sponsored content is an excellent way to reach new leads, create brand awareness, and find the right people to engage with. Use the data about your impressions and engagement to decide which type of content you should put money into promoting.

Use your impressions to track your LinkedIn performance

Your LinkedIn post impressions give you a general overview of how far your content is reaching. However, one of the best ways to measure your performance is your click-through rate (CTR). You can calculate your click-through rate by dividing the number of clicks you get on a post by the total number of impressions. Your click-through rate is an important metric to understand your performance. It shows you whether or not people find your content valuable and interesting. If you have a high click-through rate, it means many people are intrigued by your post and want to learn more.

LinkedIn also uses your impressions to determine your engagement rate. Your engagement rate is the number of clicks, interactions, and new followers you get from a post. You can calculate the engagement rate by using the number of actions divided by the impressions for a specific post. If you have a high click-through rate and engagement rate, it's a great indicator that your followers love that post.

Which LinkedIn metrics do you track?

If you're an entrepreneur or freelancer, LinkedIn is one of the most important social platforms for you to generate leads, build new business relationships and find clients. Understanding your metrics is an excellent start if you want to improve your performance and reach. Planning your content will become much easier if you have the data to back up your decisions.  

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