Table of Contents:
The Ultimate 2025 Social Media Holidays Calendar

Table of Contents:
The MeetEdgar team has prepared a 2025 Social Media Calendar featuring several special dates to help you plan your content all year long.
If you're an entrepreneur, creator, or social media manager, you've probably felt overwhelmed by social media planning, right?
Using a social media calendar can make a huge difference! It helps you stay organized, align your posts with key dates and holidays (so you don’t forget any or post on the wrong day), and create content that truly connects with your audience.
In this article, you’ll find all the key dates and holidays in 2025 for the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia, ensuring your calendar is packed with plenty of ideas!
And to make things even easier, we’ve created a Google Calendar with all these holidays listed. You can add it to your own calendar by clicking the “+” button in the bottom right corner:
- January 1: New Year's Day #NewYears2025
- January 2: National Science Fiction Day #NationalScienceFictionDay
- January 4: World Braille Day #WorldBrailleDay
- January 6: Epiphany #Epiphany
- January 7: Orthodox Christmas Day #OrthodoxChristmas
- January 14: Orthodox New Year #OrthodoxNewYear
- January 17: Ditch Your Resolution Day #DitchYourResolutionDay
- January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (US) #MLKDay
- January 25: Burns Night (UK) #BurnsNight
- January 26: Australia Day (AU) #AustraliaDay
- January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day #HolocaustRemembranceDay
- January 29: Chinese New Year #ChineseNewYear
Month-Long Observances:
- February 1: National Freedom Day #NationalFreedomDay (US)
- February 2: Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay (US)
- February 4: World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay
- February 7: National Wear Red Day #WearRedDay (US)
- February 12: National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay
- February 13: Tu B'Shevat #TuBShevat
- February 14: Valentine's Day #ValentinesDay
- February 15: Singles Awareness Day #SinglesAwarenessDay
- February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
- February 17: Family Day #FamilyDay (CA)
- February 25: Maha Shivaratri #MahaShivaratri
- February 25: World Thinking Day #WTD2025
Month-Long Observances:
- Black History Month (US, CA)
- American Heart Month (US)
- National Bird-Feeding Month (US)
- March 1: St. David’s Day: #StDavidsDay (UK)
- March 1: Self-Injury Awareness Day: #SelfInjuryAwarenessDay
- March 3: Read Across America Day: #ReadAcrossAmerica (US)
- March 4: Mardi Gras: #MardiGras
- March 5: Ash Wednesday: #AshWednesday
- March 7: Employee Appreciation Day: #EmployeeAppreciationDay (US)
- March 8: International Women’s Day: #IWD2025
- March 9: Daylight Saving Time Begins: #DaylightSavingTime (US, Canada)
- March 14: Holi Festival: #HoliFestival
- March 14: Purim: #Purim
- March 17: St. Patrick’s Day: #StPatricksDay
- March 20: International Day of Happiness: #InternationalDayOfHappiness
- March 20: Spring Equinox: #SpringEquinox
- March 21: World Down Syndrome Day: #WorldDownSyndromeDay
- March 22: World Water Day: #WorldWaterDay
- March 25: Annunciation Day: #AnnunciationDay
- March 30: Mother’s Day: #MothersDay (UK)
- March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility: #TransDayOfVisibility
Month-Long Observances:
- Women’s History Month (US, UK, AU)
- National Nutrition Month (US, CA)
- Brain Tumour Awareness Month (UK)
- Veggie Month (UK)
- Red Cross Month (US)
- April 1: April Fools' Day: #AprilFoolsDay
- April 6: National Tartan Day: #NationalTartanDay (Canada, US)
- April 7: World Health Day: #WorldHealthDay
- April 13: Palm Sunday: #PalmSunday
- April 13: Passover Begins: #Passover
- April 15: Tax Day: #TaxDay (US)
- April 17: Maundy Thursday: #MaundyThursday
- April 18: Good Friday: #GoodFriday
- April 20: Easter Sunday: #EasterSunday
- April 21: Easter Monday: #EasterMonday
- April 22: Earth Day: #EarthDay
- April 23: St. George's Day: #StGeorgesDay (UK)
- April 23: Administrative Professionals Day: #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay (US)
- April 24: Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day): #YomHaShoah
- April 25: ANZAC Day: #ANZACDay (AU)
- April 25: Arbor Day: #ArborDay (US)
- April 30: Walpurgis Night: #WalpurgisNight (UK)
Month-Long Observances:
- National Poetry Month
- Celebrate Diversity Month
- National Autism Awareness Month (US)
- National Pet Month (UK)
- Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month (US)
- May 1: May Day: #MayDay
- May 1: National Day of Prayer: #NationalDayOfPrayer (US)
- May 5: Cinco de Mayo: #CincoDeMayo (US)
- May 6: National Nurses Day: #NationalNursesDay (US)
- May 8: Victory in Europe Day: #VEDay (UK)
- May 11: Mother's Day: #MothersDay
- May 12: International Nurses Day #NursesDay
- May 15: Peace Officers Memorial Day: #PeaceOfficersMemorialDay (US)
- May 16: Lag BaOmer: #LagBaOmer
- May 17: Armed Forces Day: #ArmedForcesDay (US)
- May 19: Victoria Day: #VictoriaDay (CA)
- May 22: National Maritime Day: #NationalMaritimeDay (US)
- May 26: Memorial Day: #MemorialDay (US)
- May 29: Ascension Day: #AscensionDay
Month-Long Observances:
- Asian Heritage Month
- National Physical Fitness and Sports Month (US)
- Mental Health Awareness Month
- Skin Cancer Awareness Month
- National Teen Self Esteem Month (US)
- June 1: Global Day of Parents: #GlobalDayOfParents
- June 1: World Reef Awareness Day: #WorldReefAwarenessDay
- June 1: National Cancer Survivors Day (US): #CancerSurvivorsDay
- June 5: World Environment Day: #WorldEnvironmentDay
- June 6: D-Day Anniversary: #DDayAnniversary
- June 8: World Oceans Day: #WorldOceansDay
- June 8: Pentecost: #Pentecost
- June 8: Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay
- June 9: Whit Monday: #WhitMonday
- June 14: Flag Day (US): #FlagDay
- June 14: World Blood Donor Day: #WorldBloodDonorDay
- June 15: Father's Day #FathersDay
- June 19: Juneteenth (US): #Juneteenth
- June 20: Summer Solstice: #SummerSolstice
- June 21: National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay
- June 21: International Day of Yoga: #InternationalDayOfYoga
- June 23: International Women in Engineering Day: #INWED2025
- June 27: National PTSD Awareness Day (US): #PTSDAwarenessDay
- June 30: World Social Media Day: #SocialMediaDay
Month-Long Observances:
- Pride Month
- Caribbean American Heritage Month (US)
- ALS Awareness Month (CA)
- Men's Health Month
- PTSD Awareness Month
- July 1: Canada Day #CanadaDay (CA)
- July 1: International Joke Day #InternationalJokeDay
- July 2: World UFO Day #WorldUFODay
- July 4: Independence Day #IndependenceDay (US)
- July 6: National Fried Chicken Day #NationalFriedChickenDay
- July 7: World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay
- July 11: World Population Day #WorldPopulationDay
- July 13: National French Fry Day #NationalFrenchFryDay
- July 14: Bastille Day #BastilleDay
- July 14: International Non-Binary People’s Day #NonBinaryPeoplesDay
- July 17: World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay
- July 18: Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay
- July 20: National Ice Cream Day #NationalIceCreamDay (US)
- July 24: International Self-Care Day #SelfCareDay
- July 28: World Hepatitis Day #WorldHepatitisDay
- July 30: International Day of Friendship #FriendshipDay
Month-Long Observances:
- Disability Pride Month
- National Ice Cream Month (US)
- Talk to Us Month (UK)
- Sarcoma Awareness Month (UK)
- August 1: International Childfree Day #InternationalChildfreeDay
- August 1: World Lung Cancer Day #WorldLungCancerDay
- August 6: Read a Book Day
- August 8: International Infinity Day #InfinityDay
- August 8: International Cat Day #CatDay
- August 10: Lazy Day #LazyDay
- August 12: International Youth Day #YouthDay
- August 14: National Financial Awareness Day
- August 17: National Nonprofit Day (US) #NonprofitDay
- August 19: World Photo Day #WorldPhotoDay
- August 19: World Humanitarian Day #ActForHumanity
- August 22: Autumn Equinox
- August 25: Summer Bank Holiday (UK)
- August 26: National Dog Day (US) #NationalDogDay
- August 26: Women’s Equality Day (US) #WomensEqualityDay
Month-Long Observances:
- Intersectionality Awareness Month
- Black Business Month
- September 1: Labor Day: #LaborDay (US)
- September 5: International Day of Charity: #CharityDay
- September 7: Father’s Day (AU)
- September 7: National Grandparents Day: #GrandparentsDay (US)
- September 8: International Literacy Day: #LiteracyDay
- September 10: World Suicide Prevention Day: #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
- September 11: Patriot Day: #PatriotDay (US)
- September 11: R U OK? Day
- September 12: National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay
- September 15: International Day of Democracy: #DemocracyDay
- September 18: International Equal Pay Day #PayEquityPledge
- September 21: International Day of Peace: #PeaceDay
- September 23: Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown: #RoshHashanah
- September 26: Native American Day: #NativeAmericanDay (US)
- September 29: World Heart Day: #WorldHeartDay
- September 30: International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay
- September 30: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (CA) #EveryChildMatters
Month-Long Observances:
- World Alzheimer's Month
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- National Hispanic Heritage Month (US)
- National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (US)
- Organic September (UK)
- October 1: International Coffee Day: #CoffeeDay
- October 1: International Music Day #MusicDay
- October 1: International Day of Older Persons: #OlderPersonsDay
- October 2: International Day of Non-Violence: #NonViolenceDay
- October 4: World Animal Day: #WorldAnimalDay
- October 5: World Teachers’ Day: #WorldTeachersDay
- October 6: World Cerebral Palsy Day: #WorldCPDay
- October 9: World Sight Day: #WorldSightDay
- October 10: World Mental Health Day: #WorldMentalHealthDay
- October 11: International Day of the Girl Child: #DayOfTheGirl
- October 13: Indigenous Peoples’ Day (US) #WeAreIndigenous
- October 13: Columbus Day (US): #ColumbusDay
- October 13: Thanksgiving Day (CA): #Thankful
- October 16: World Food Day: #WorldFoodDay
- October 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: #EndPoverty
- October 18: World Menopause Day: #WorldMenopauseDay
- October 24: United Nations Day: #UNDay
- October 31: Halloween: #Halloween
Month-Long Observances:
- Cyber Security Month
- Black History Month (UK)
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Global Diversity Awareness Month
- Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
- Mental Health Month (AU)
- November 1: All Saints' Day
- November 1: World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay
- November 2: All Souls' Day
- November 3: Melbourne Cup Day (AU) #MelbourneCup
- November 5: Guy Fawkes Night (UK) #BonfireNight
- November 8: Indigenous Veterans Day (CA) #IndigenousVeteransDay
- November 8: STEM Day #STEMDay
- November 11: Veterans Day (US) #VeteransDay
- November 11: Remembrance Day (CA, UK, AU) #RemembranceDay
- November 13: World Kindness Day #WorldKindnessDay
- November 15: International Day for Tolerance #ToleranceDay
- November 19: National Entrepreneurs Day (US) #EntrepreneursDay
- November 20: Universal Children's Day #ChildrensDay
- November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance #TDOR
- November 27: Thanksgiving Day (US) #Thankful
- November 28: Black Friday #BlackFriday
- November 29: Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall
- November 30: St. Andrew's Day (UK) #StAndrewsDay
Month-Long Observances:
- Movember
- Black Friday month
- Epilepsy Awareness Month
- December 1: Cyber Monday #CyberMonday
- December 1: World AIDS Day #WorldAIDSDay
- December 2: International Day for the Abolition of Slavery #EndSlavery
- December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPWD
- December 4: National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay
- December 5: International Volunteer Day #VolunteerDay
- December 14: Hanukkah Begins #Hanukkah
- December 10: Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrize
- December 10: Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay
- December 15: Bill of Rights Day (US) #BillOfRightsDay
- December 16: World Digital Marketing Day
- December 21: Winter Solstice #WinterSolstice (Northern Hemisphere)
- December 23: Festivus #AiringOfGrievances
- December 24: Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve
- December 25: Christmas Day #MerryChristmas
- December 26: Boxing Day (CA, UK, AU) #BoxingDay
- December 31: New Year's Eve #NYE
Month-Long Observances:
- Universal Human Rights Month
- AIDS Awareness Month
- Write a Friend Month
- Hanukkah (December 14–22)
- Kwanzaa (December 26 – January 1)
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