Instagram Marketing Made Easy: 10 Actionable Tips to Get Started

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Instagram is an incredible platform for anyone looking to share their message and connect with followers (and especially for brands looking to promote their products or services).
But figuring out how to make the most of it can feel overwhelming, especially if you're just starting out. The good news? It doesn’t have to be complicated!

With a few simple, actionable steps, you can start boosting your brand’s presence on Instagram and reach your ideal audience more effectively. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips to help you make Instagram work for your brand and start seeing results!

Why Instagram Matters?

First things first: Why should your brand be on Instagram?

Well, with 2.4 billion active users, it's safe to say Instagram is where the action is.

Those numbers are insane, right? If you're not on Instagram, you're missing out on some serious brand-building opportunities.

It doesn't matter if you are a creator, coach, social media manager, entrepreneur, or run a small or big business—Instagram is likely where your audience is spending their time.

If you're a small business owner specifically, Instagram can be a game-changer for growing your online presence. Be sure to check out our blog, Instagram For Small Businesses: 9 Tips to Grow Your Following, for detailed strategies specifically tailored for small business growth on the platform.

1. Setting Up Your Instagram Account

When starting on Instagram, your first decision is choosing between a personal account or a business account. You can dive deeper into the differences in this article: Instagram Account Types: What’s the Difference?

But to keep it short: a personal account is ideal if you’re using Instagram on a personal level, while a business account is designed for brands, businesses, or creators.

Although both can help you grow your presence, a business account offers additional benefits like a contact button, analytics, and ad capabilities.

2. Building Your Brand Voice

Once your account is set up, it’s time to focus on your brand voice. When it comes to Instagram actionable tips, creating a strong brand voice is essential. Your brand voice is how you communicate with your audience, and it should be consistent across all platforms.

Consider what tone you want to use (friendly, professional, humorous) and what kind of content you want to share (informative, inspiring, behind-the-scenes). Having a consistent voice makes it easier for your audience to connect with your brand and feel like they know you.

To make this process smoother, create a style guide for your Instagram. This should include the types of images, colors, and language you want to use. Streamlining your visuals helps create a cohesive look, which builds trust and encourages followers to engage with your posts.

3. Humanize Your Brand

People buy from people, not just businesses, and Instagram is an ideal platform to make that connection!  

To build that connection, it’s essential to humanize your brand by showing who you are and what you stand for. Even if you’re uncomfortable being on camera, there are other ways to showcase your personality and humanize your brand. One effective approach is sharing behind-the-scenes content, offering followers a glimpse into the people and process behind the brand. This helps build a stronger connection with your audience and keeps them coming back for more.

Just as celebrities attract viewers by sharing personal stories, people are naturally drawn to the human side of a brand. Creating this kind of human connection is essential, and Instagram provides a great opportunity for businesses to build and nurture it.

Remember, when your audience feels like they know you, they’re more likely to support you. They’ll be able to say, “I trust this brand because I relate to them,” making the decision to buy much easier.

4. Content Strategies

Nothing attracts followers and engagement like high-quality content. Instagram gives you a variety of formats to play with, including single images, videos, Reels, carousels, and Stories.

Mixing up these formats not only keeps things fresh but also signals to Instagram’s algorithm that people are engaging with your posts—meaning your future content is more likely to be shown to them.

One way to diversify your content is by incorporating shareable posts that provide value beyond your products or services. For example, a funny quote, an inspiring meme, or an educational tip can engage your audience in a way that feels natural and encourages them to interact. These types of posts may not always directly lead to sales or website traffic, but they play a crucial role in building rapport with your audience and keeping your content visible in their feed.

5. Cross-Promotion for Extra Reach

If you're active on multiple social media platforms, don't miss the opportunity to cross-promote your Instagram.  Share your Instagram handle everywhere—on your website, in email newsletters, and across your other social media profiles. This simple step helps drive traffic to your Instagram while expanding your reach across different channels.

And don’t stop there! You can even cross-promote within Instagram itself. For example, tag your business page from your personal account or promote a secondary brand page to encourage your followers to connect with you in more places. This strategy builds your following faster and ensures your audience knows where to find you.

6. Make the Most of Instagram Features

Instagram is packed with features that can significantly boost your engagement if you know how to use them. Here are some of the best easy tips to help you make the most of Instagram's features:

  • Carousel Posts: This feature lets you share up to 10 images or videos in a single post. It’s perfect for brands or services that need to tell a story, provide a step-by-step guide, or showcase multiple angles of a product. Carousels are a fantastic way to keep your audience swiping through your content.
  • Instagram Stories: Stories offer a more casual way to engage your audience, and don’t forget about stickers! Polls, questions, countdowns, and quizzes can make your Instagram Stories interactive and encourage followers to engage. Plus, they disappear after 24 hours, creating a sense of urgency for viewers to tune in.
  • Reels & IGTV: If you want to leverage the power of video, Reels and IGTV are your go-to tools. Reels are great for short, fun, and highly shareable content, while IGTV is ideal for longer, more in-depth videos.
  • Highlights: Save your best Stories to Highlights, so they stay visible on your profile. This is a fantastic way to showcase products, services, tutorials, or frequently asked questions in an easily accessible format.
  • Instagram Shopping: If you’re selling products, make shopping easier for your followers by setting up Instagram Shop. This allows them to browse and buy directly from your profile, streamlining the shopping experience.
  • Direct Messaging: Don’t overlook the power of DMs. Engaging with followers one-on-one builds stronger connections and can lead to more meaningful conversations that grow your brand.

7. The Power of Hashtags

One of the most important Instagram tips is learning how to use hashtags strategically. That's because hashtags are one of IG’s best tools for expanding your reach. With the help of well-chosen hashtags you can get followers who are not currently among your audience.

While it's tempting to use the most popular hashtags, it's often more effective to use niche hashtags that speak directly to your target audience.

Research what hashtags work best in your industry, and aim to include a mix of broad and specific ones in your posts. You can also create a branded hashtag to encourage followers to tag you in their posts, giving your content even more visibility.

8. Consistency is key

Posting consistently is one of the most important parts of growing on Instagram. This doesn’t mean you need to post every day, but creating a predictable rhythm helps keep your followers engaged and encourages new ones to follow.

Plan your posts in advance and stick to a schedule so your followers know when to expect new content. Using tools like social media schedulers can help you stay on track without having to manually post every day.

9. Building a Community

Instagram is about more than just gaining followers: it’s about building a community.

One of the most effective ways to foster community engagement on Instagram is by actively interacting with your audience.

Like and comment on their posts, answer questions, and respond to DMs. This interaction makes people feel connected to your brand, which encourages them to stick around and become loyal followers.

But it’s not just about human connections, Instagram’s algorithm rewards this behavior too. The more you interact with others, the more Instagram will recognize those relationships and prioritize showing your content to those followers.

When you continuously make an effort to engage with your community, you’re not only nurturing loyalty but also increasing your visibility. It’s a win-win that strengthens both relationships and reach!

10. Learning from Bigger Brands

If you're just starting out on Instagram, one of the smartest moves you can make is to research bigger brands in your industry or niche. These brands often have entire marketing teams dedicated to testing and refining strategies, from the best types of posts to the most effective times of day to share content.

They’ve likely conducted extensive testing to determine which types of content resonate most with their audience. By observing what works for them, you can gain valuable insights into strategies that might also work for you.

Look at the content they're posting, how they engage with their followers, and which formats perform best. While you shouldn't copy their strategy exactly, use their success as inspiration to generate ideas that can work for your own brand. Remember, you bring your unique voice and perspective, so your approach should reflect that.

Time to Put These Instagram Tips into Action

Instagram marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these simple, actionable tips for beginners, you’ll be in a great position to build your brand and connect with your audience in no time.

Instagram can be easy with the right approach. Focus on providing value, staying consistent, and engaging with your followers, and you’ll see your Instagram presence grow quickly.

Ready to put these actionable Instagram tips into practice and make Instagram work for you? Try MeetEdgar for free and simplify your Instagram management with easy-to-use automation tools.

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