Edgar’s Chrome extension lets you quickly share links and add content to your Edgar Library while you’re browsing anywhere.
Don’t forget to leave us a review after you use it!
Share links and add content to your Edgar Library while you’re browsing on Safari or Firefox.
Click and drag the link below to your bookmarks.
Navigate to a page you want to share, then click the bookmark you just added.
Zapier lets you connect one app to another using “zaps” that help you automate your workflows.
Automatically zap content into your Edgar Library from sources all over the web, including many tools you may already be using, like Pocket, Feedly, and more!
Edgar for Android and iOS helps you keep your Instagram feed fresh! Easily create your Instagram content from the web and post it from your mobile device.
Bring your Canva designs to Edgar with just a few clicks! Our Canva integration allows you to effortlessly export your designs into the Edgar platform, making your content creation process easier than ever.
Edgar for Android and iOS helps you keep your Instagram feed fresh! Easily create your Instagram content from the web and post it from your mobile device.
Generate Content with AI Assistance: Inky helps you craft engaging content in seconds
Spending hours crafting the perfect post captions? Inky is here to help! Never run out of creative ideas.
Generate personalized, optimized content with Inky, Edgar's AI assistant. Elevate your social media posts with high-quality, platform-tailored captions.
Save time by generating captivating captions and hashtags instantly, and streamline your content creation process