
How a Health Tech Entrepreneur Built Client Trust using MeetEdgar

Written by
Andrea Wilson Woods
March 31, 2025

I’ve used other tools like Buffer and HootSuite, but MeetEdgar is the only tool that made my life easier.

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Andrea Wilson Woods, CEO, and Co-Founder of Cancer University, spent too much time organizing her social media pages. Running her for- and non-profit companies and personal brands was time-consuming enough, and she needed a solution. She tried various applications like Buffer and HootSuite but found they still didn’t solve her problem. Then, she connected with Laura Roeder, Founder of MeetEdgar, and was instantly drawn to its simplicity, intuitiveness, and helpful content library. Now, she can repurpose old content with ease, keeping all of her audiences engaged and informed. Learn how Andrea uses MeetEdgar to improve her company’s social media flow.

Key Outcomes

  • With MeetEdgar’s Content Library, Andrea and her team give new life to old content by repurposing previously posted articles. This way, she ensures that her entire audience can read everything she posts.
  • By repurposing content, she can test what content consistently engages her audience. This way, Andrea can give her audience the content they need and want to see.
  • Andrea also uses MeetEdgar for her Cancer University Co-founder, Edward Hinton’s LinkedIn page. He’s not social media savvy, but MeetEdgar keeps his social media presence consistent and professional.
  • Andrea wears many hats. She’s the CEO and Co-Founder of Cancer University, the President and Founder of Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association, author of two books including Better Off Bald: A Life in 147 Days, and is a regular podcaster, speaker, and patient advocate. As a multi-talented entrepreneur, she wanted an application to manage her social media accounts from one dashboard.

The Challenge

Before MeetEdgar, Andrea struggled to maintain a constant social media presence for her various social media accounts without dedicating excessive time to it.

Andrea was looking for a program to help her organize all of her content in one dashboard. She knew that not every person could see her content the first time she posted it but she had no simple way to repurpose old content with programs like Buffer or HootSuite.

Enter MeetEdgar.

The Solution

Andrea fell in love with MeetEdgar’s Content Library. For Cancer University, her team batch adds her content for Liver News to her Content Library. She curates a month’s worth of news, uploads it into the Content Library, and uploads a new post daily in the morning (when her audience is most active). Andrea loves the ability to reshare her content, typically resharing an article 3-4 times until she moves it out of the library. This way, all of her audience members read new updates in liver cancer research.

She also uses MeetEdgar to experiment with how her audience interacts. Her team analyzes what content engages their audience at what times they’re most likely to engage and helps her craft future content to accommodate these wants.

Andrea especially loves MeetEdgar’s History Tab to see how many times her audience has seen a post before she archives it.

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The Outcome

Andrea found an app that could work with and for her needs. She loves the ability to reshare her content, typically resharing an article 3-4 times until she moves it out of the library. This way, all of her audience members read new updates in liver cancer research. Her consistent posting schedule gives her followers a sense of security. They always know Andrea is around to connect with them and listen to them. For the future, Andrea’s going to continue using MeetEdgar to further her mission and the mission of Blue Faery and Liver News, to prevent, treat, and cure primary liver cancer, through research, education, and advocacy. We were inspired to learn about Andrea’s story and journey with MeetEdgar and we hope you were too.

“In the past, I used Buffer or HootSuite, it didn’t free up my time very much, and Edgar frees up my time.”

“I’ve used other tools like Buffer and HootSuite, but MeetEdgar is the only tool that made my life easier.”