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Shuffle has arrived!

Written by
Edgar Updates

Edgar can now shuffle your updates.

‍Shuffling has come a long way. At first, one could only shuffle a deck of cards. But the last few decades have brought tremendous advances in the shuffling arena - the Super Bowl Shuffle, the Truffle Shuffle, and now… the Edgar Shuffle.

Here’s how to do it:

On your Categories page, every category now has a shuffle button. Click it to randomize the updates in that category and rebuild your queue. Seriously, that’s all there is to it!Shuffle is the easy way to mix up your content (which is super helpful if you batch a whole bunch of similar updates at the same time or just to give your queue a little more variety.

No matter how much you shuffle, your Library will always display your updates in the order they were entered, so they’re as easy as ever for you to find. You’ll only ever see the new order when you view your Queue.

Not yet using Edgar? Discover how easy it is to manage your social media with Edgar! Sign up for a free, no-risk 7-day trial here!What’s new in the Edgar Blog?We take a lot of pride in our blog, our emails, and the other content we create here at Edgar. But how do we come up with all that good stuff? Our latest blog post shares some of our favorite resources:

So take a look, pick up some new ideas, and work them into your (newly shuffled) queue with Edgar!

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