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How Edgar Helps Staylisted Stay Lean While Boosting Their Visibility
When a small company keeps a large client base, their limited resources go to delivering consistent results for their clients. Happy clients mean more word-of-mouth referrals and more business overall. There doesn’t always have to be a split between making clients happy and creating an inviting social presence.

Staylisted’s 50-person team provides full-service marketing for over 1,900 active small businesses. While managing Staylisted’s customer service team, Sarah Nelson noticed a missed opportunity: They were making magic happen for their clients, but had let their own social presence stagnate in the process. She took the initiative to implement a strategy to increase Staylisted’s web visibility.We spoke to Sarah, who told us how she builds Staylisted’s public wisdom and stays active on social media while managing an entire support team.Thanks to Sarah’s effort and Edgar’s help, Staylisted has increased their visibility while gaining extra time to fulfill their mission of helping small businesses.With Edgar, they've increased their Twitter impressions by 12x, developed a solid marketing routine that helps them write up to three blog posts a week, and cut down the number of tools they need to succeed.
Use your extra time to increase visibility
Sarah wanted to develop a consistent posting strategy for Staylisted’s blog and social media channels. Even though Staylisted keeps themselves busy marketing for their clients, Sarah knew that an active social presence and useful content from their own blog would attract more business. took on the challenge of amping up Staylisted’s social media marketing presence. She implemented an in-house marketing routine centered on education - a focus that she uses in her role as customer service manager:
"The biggest thing I try to do with any social media platform is not sell to people. I just try to give them some cool information here, something that could help you over here…I also share other small business blogs...anything that can help them that's something that we don't do, I can still share that with them, so they're at least getting useful information from us even if it's not about us."’s been a year since meeting Edgar, and now Sarah uses him in her day-to-day work routine.So how does Sarah keep her library of updates fresh when she’s already got so much on her plate?By using Edgar’s RSS feed manager as her own industry news aggregator and reading list:
"On a daily basis I see what pending posts Edgar has for me. I just go to Edgar and actually read those articles from there and decide if I want to add them into our share category. That's how I find what blog posts I want to share with our customers. I want to make sure that I'm adding enough into my library that's keeping it fresh, and that when a blog post of mine that's older does re-post, that it's been a while since it's re-posted because I've had other stuff going in in the meantime.”
(How many RSS feeds does the average Edgar user connect? Find out in this post!)Sarah’s extra time has freed her to work smarter on Staylisted’s social media strategy. Instead of writing four updates every day for three different social networks, she can use that time to hop into Staylisted’s social feeds and interact with their followers live:
“I would say that our social engagement is better obviously because we're actually posting now, which we weren't doing before. Now that I know that people are gonna have something to reply to or something to share or to like, I pay more attention to what's going on in real time, which I think is good.""I can actually go on there and be social with the tweets that are happening now and the posts that are happening immediately, and I can let Edgar worry about my ongoing, "Hey share this blog post," or whatever needs to happen. Since I also manage the customer service team, I don't have time to sit here and think of witty things to say all the time.”
Outside of sharing useful information for Staylisted’s clients on social media, Sarah’s challenge to herself included creating informative posts for Staylisted’s blog. With her new routine established, Sarah got to work, and has ended up writing about three blog posts per week.
“We didn't even have a blog before I took it over or anything, so it's really all me. When we started using Edgar we had about 17 blog posts - now we have about 40 or so.”
Sarah’s mission to boost Staylisted’s social presence paid off. Her work led to a fantastic increase in engagement and more leads discovering Staylisted’s services.
“Since we've started using Edgar, we've had over 1,600 page-visits from Twitter and a huge increase in impressions. Before Edgar, we were seeing about 2-5k Twitter impressions per-month. We were at 32k in November!”
A helpful octopus by your side
Staylisted leverages Edgar’s RSS feeds, library of content, and rotating publishing schedule to increase their visibility.Sarah achieved her personal challenge to implement Staylisted’s in-house marketing routine and write informational posts for their blog, all while performing her duty as customer service manager.Edgar took over the daily grind of posting the smaller stuff like status updates and Tweets so Sarah and her team could do the day-to-day work of achieving Staylisted’s mission: helping small businesses.Special thanks to Sarah and the Staylisted team for their insights. You can find them on Twitter and Facebook, or visit their site at there, Edgar users! Got a success story to share? Want to tell us about your ingenious method for incorporating Edgar into your workflow? Send me an email at, and you could be featured on our blog!
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