

Top Hashtag Holidays For Your Social Media Calendar

social media calendar hashtag holidays

Have you heard of Hashtag Holidays? Because it’s time to add them to your social media calendar!

If you’ve spent time on social media lately, chances are good that you’ve seen someone celebrating a holiday that, perhaps, you didn’t know was a holiday.

While brands often celebrate mainstream holidays each year, recently they’ve also taken to celebrating a wider array of purposeful, fun, and sometimes even funny holidays.

From awareness days for cancer to #GivingTuesday to help non-profits raise money to #NationalPizzaDay… if you can imagine it, there’s probably a holiday hashtag for it.

And if you’re not leveraging the social media power of these daily celebrations, you could be missing out.

So today we’re sharing the key reasons we celebrate hashtag holidays, our top tips for how you can use these special occasions to grow your brand’s reach on social media, some of our favorite hashtags holidays throughout each month of the year, and how to create a social media hashtags calendar.

Why You Should Be Adding Hashtag Holidays To Your Social Media Calendar

It’s easy!

The truth is that celebrating a hashtag holiday gives you a fantastic opportunity to bond over shared interests with your customers and social media followers and chances are that your competition is already doing that too.

When it comes to awareness campaigns and share-worthy content, nothing’s easier to get in on than a hashtag holiday. And creating content and a hashtag calendar around these special days means less work in the long run because you’ll have posts you can use as inspiration for the same holiday next year.

world octopus day example

It Can Make A Real Difference In The World

While some hashtag holidays celebrate movies or food or pets, others recognize causes that may be closer to our hearts. And celebrating these social media hashtag days can really have an impact beyond social media channels.

Whether someone gets involved in a civil rights movement, supports local restaurants, or just creates more awareness and less stigma around a particular challenge or cause, hashtag holidays can be fantastic for moving the needle forward on things that really matter. And being a part of that movement as a company may be exactly in line with your own mission and work in the world.

It Increases Your Reach

If National Margarita Day and Giving Tuesday are any indication of the power of hashtags for holidays, you can rest assured that using #Holidays in your content on social media can give you the chance to develop some viral content, gain traction with new audience members, or even create opportunities for new clients and customers.

Since Hashtag Holidays are so common now, you’ll be a part of a larger wave of content that day and you may just get your content in front of a different audience than you typically would.

It Gives You Consistently Engaging Content

Your followers and social media scrollers as a whole are drawn to Hashtag Holiday content because it has a community feeling and allows us all to feel connected and a part of something bigger.

national taco day example

Creating content around a social media holidays allows you to show your audience that you’re staying current.

Creating great content around a Hashtag Holiday ensures you have the chance to start and continue conversations on many different topics each month (See below for our favorite hashtag holidays each month).

Tips For Creating Hashtag Holiday Content

Now that you know why you should be celebrating Hashtag Holidays on your brand’s social media page, let’s talk about how to make your holiday content captivating and share-worthy.

Consider Why Your Brand Would Celebrate That Holiday

Choosing hashtag holidays that align with your brand is essential to this process. For example, while nearly any brand can lend its voice and support to Cancer Awareness holidays, some companies may be more connected to that particular cause.

Maybe your mission involves donating to cancer research, you have staff members who are survivors of cancer, or your product or service is relevant to those who survive or endure cancer. Then, the idea of recognizing that type of holiday makes far more sense and can have a far greater impact.

Do Your Research On The Holiday

While things like National Taco Day are pretty straightforward, holidays like World Mental Health Day may require you to do some homework. Understanding the origins of Hashtag Holidays, especially those that are more awareness or cause-focused, will help you craft content that aligns with your brand and the purpose of the day itself.

Choose The Right Holidays For Your Audience

Would your company values align with National Random Acts of Kindness Day? Would your followers love a good “May The 4th” joke on Star Wars Day?

Getting to know your audience is a great way to decide which hashtag holidays to celebrate.

When you choose the right holidays for your audience you’re not just giving them content they’ll hopefully like, you’re showing them that you can see them, you hear them, and you want to connect with them. It’s an authentic connection creator that can lead to long-lasting customer relationships.

And when you get purposeful about the hashtag holidays you choose to celebrate, you’ll avoid celebrating everyone that comes along, saving you time and energy.



Stay Organized With Post Scheduling And Content Planning

The great thing about celebrating hashtag holidays is that you can create the content in batches and schedule it out when you want it to go live. Unlike sales or launches, holiday content is a “set it and forget it” dream.

Ready to get started adding hashtag holidays to your social media hashtag calendar? From National Pizza Day to World Octopus Day, July 4th hashtags, and December social media holidays, here are some of our favorite fun and engaging hashtag holidays you can add to your calendar.

Our Favorite Hashtag Holidays To Add To Your Social Media Calendar


New Year’s Day (January 1st) #happynewyear #newyearsresolution
National Trivia Day (January 4th) #nationaltriviaday #nationaltriviadaywinner
Three Kings Day (January 6th) #threekingsday
National Popcorn Day (January 19th) #popcornday
Martin Luther King Day(January 20th) #Martinlutherkingday
National Compliment Day (January 24th) #nationalcomplimentday
Opposite Day (January 25th) #oppositeday


Groundhog’s Day (February 2nd) groundhog day hashtags: #groundhogday #groundhogdaybaby #groundhogdaymovie
World Cancer Day (February 4th) #worldcancerday
National Pizza Day (February 9th) #nationalpizzaday???? #nationalpizzaday
Valentine’s Day (February 14th) #valentinesday #valentinesdaygifts
Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17th) #randomactsofkindnessday
National Margarita Day (February 22nd) #nationalmargaritaday


National Employee Appreciation Day (First Friday in March) #employeeappreciationday #employeeappreciation
International Women’s Day (March 8th) #internationalwomensday
Pi Day (March 14th) #piday
St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th) #stpatricksday #stpattyday


April Fools Day (April 1st) #aprilfools #aprilfoolsday #aprilfoolsprank
World Autism Day (April 2nd) #worldautism #worldautismawarenessday
National Pet Day (April 11th) #nationalpetday #nationalpetday????</span>
National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day (April 16th) #NationalWearYourPajamasToWorkDay
Earth Day (April 22nd) #earthday #earthdayeveryday


International Workers Day (May 1st) #InternationalWorkersDay #Mayday
Star Wars Day (May 4th) #MayThe4thBeWithYou
Mother’s Day (May 9th) #mothersday #mothersdaygiftideas
National Nurses Day (May 12th) #nationalnursesday
National Hamburger Day (May 28th) #nationalhamburgerday


National Running Day (first Wednesday in June) #nationalrunningday
World Environment Day (June 5th) #worldenvironmentday
Juneteenth (June 19th) #Juneteenth #Juneteenthcelebration
Father’s Day (June 20th) #Fathersday #Fathersdaygifts
National Selfie Day (June 21st) #nationalselfieday #nationalselfieday????????
International Yoga Day (June 21st) #internationalyogaday
Social Media Day (June 30th) #socialmediaday


4th of July (July 4th) #July4th #July4thweekend
World Chocolate Day (July 7th) #worldchocolateday
World Emoji Day (July 17th) #worldemojiday
National Ice Cream Day (July 19th) #nationalicecreamday #nationalicecreamday????


International Cat Day (August 8th) #internationalcatday
National Book Lovers Day (August 9th) #nationalbookloversday #nationalbookloversday????
National Relaxation Day (August 15th) #nationalrelaxationday
World Photo Day (August 19th) #worldphotoday
National Women’s Equality Day (August 26th) #womensequalityday #womensequality


National Wildlife Day (September 4th) #nationalwildlifeday
Talk Like A Pirate Day (September 19th) #talklikeapirate #talklikeapirateday
International Podcast Day (September 30th) #internationalpodcastday
World Tourism Day (September 27th) #worldtourismday
National Good Neighbor Day (September 28th) #nationalgoodneighborday


National Coffee Day (October 1st) #nationalcoffeeday #nationalcoffeeday☕️
National Taco Day (October 4th) #nationaltacoday #nationaltacoday????
National Octopus Day (October 8th) #nationaloctopusday
World Mental Health Day (October 10th) #worldmentalhealthday
International Day of The Girl (October 11th) #internationaldayofthegirl
Halloween (October 31st) #halloween #halloweencostume #halloweendecor #halloweenmakeup


Veterans Day (November 11th) #veteransday #veteransday????????
Entrepreneur Day (November 19th) #entrepreneurday
Small Business Saturday ( November 27th) #smallbusinesssaturday #smallbusinesssaturdays
Cyber Monday (November 29th) #cybermonday
Giving Tuesday (November 30th) #givingtuesday


National Cookie Day (December 4th) #nationalcookieday #nationalcookieday????
Human Rights Day (December 10th) #humanrightsday
No Interruptions Day (December 31st) #nointerruptionsday
New Years Eve (December 31st) #NYE #newyearseveparty

Pro Tips

Whichever day you decide to talk about, use the relevant year at the end of the hashtag. This will make your content easier to find, as it won’t get mixed up with all the posts from years gone by.

Using an emoji at the end of your hashtag can get your content noticed too! Usually, the hashtags with emojis on the end have fewer people using them – so your post will be amongst a smaller pool, easier to find, and more visible to users.

Start Planning Your Hashtag Holiday Content

Building your social media calendar means more than just celebrating hashtag holidays! If you are looking for a better way to organize, plan and schedule your social media calendar, Edgar can help. Give him a try for 7-days to learn why thousands of entrepreneurs trust Edgar with their social media scheduling needs. Sign up for a trial here.

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